Friday, January 25, 2008

Never a Dull Moment

I have spent many hours (days??) worrying whether or not the girls will be "normal." A large part of "normal," is the picture I have in my head. Girls who can WALK, talk and move like your average person. It is hard to believe, but there was a time when no one could tell me whether or not either girl would do any of the above. I had visions of wheelchairs, walkers, and walking with a limp. Well, those visions are slowly being pushed to the back of my mind. Not forgotten entirely, but by no means as big of a concern as they once were.

I look at my girls and I can't believe how much they have accomplished. Lila Grace continues to move, climb and walk in ways that I never imagined. Having never experienced a climber, explorer or mischievous child, I am constantly surprised when I walk around the corner. For example, I hear the twins babbling to one another and banging toys around on the train table while I clean up after dinner. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find Lila Grace standing in the center of the table while Adeline happily cruises from side to side.
Adeline, is making slow but steady progress. She has learned to cruise, get up and down from standing (while supported), and climb in and out of things like train table drawers. This is the baby that five months ago couldn't sit up!!!! Slow and steady wins the race, right???

Although this ability to move and transition into a variety of positions keeps me on my toes and some days, continually wiping tears away, I am grateful for it. I guess that is why I have mixed emotions when I see my children in precarious positions. Do I grab the camera or assist them to safer grounds? I guess it all goes to show that children don't ever disappoint. Although, I may underestimate my girls at times, they never underestimate themselves.