Friday, September 14, 2012

Somebody Lost a Tooth

I will just state for the record. . . I very much DISLIKE wiggly-loose teeth.  Savannah is finally done losing her front teeth which was a process that began around age 7.  I have been under the assumption that the next year would be "tooth-free."  Leave it to Miss Lila to blow my theory out of the water.  She chomped down on a lollipop and gave her bottom front tooth quite a jolt.  Within a week, it was out.  During that week, the other bottom tooth became loose.  This is too soon and too fast.  I am not ready for the big teeth to pop up in that tiny little mouth!!

After losing her tooth, Lila immediately came up to me and said, "It's okay Mommy,  I am still your baby."  Phew!

I should mention that my sometimes off the chart, weird daughter, decided to keep her tooth and was horrified at that thought of giving a piece of herself away to the tooth fairy.  This is the same child who wants to keep her fingernail clippings and sleeps with an old chip bag.  She is an odd duck!

See that tongue working on that other tooth?!

Classroom Visit

The day before school started, the twins went into their school for a classroom visit.  They were very excited.  The all school unit this year is bees and T. Michelle asked that all the students bring in their bees that they made over the summer. 

Here are some pics.