Sunday, October 24, 2010

Leaf Hunt

We went on our annual leaf hunt today.  Despite all five of us being under the weather this week and the parents continuing to be so, we made our books and headed out.  It was a HOT fall day that almost did the parents in.  The kids didn't mind as they showed much enthusiasm about finding their perfect leaves.  I was thrilled that Adeline trekked through the park, found her leaves, and placed them on the appropriate pages without many sensory obstacles.  Just for the record, each girl was able to find a yellow, orange, red, green, brown, purple, big and little leaf. 

Along the way, we found a mammoth caterpillar that Adeline referred to as Baby Einstein.  The girls thoroughly enjoyed watching it move.  I must admit that it was pretty impressive.  Everyone was brave enough to touch it except for Daddy.

After nearly and an hour of hunting and exploring, we stopped by the playground to let the girls play. Whenever I watch my girls play from a distance, I am always amazed by the delight they take in one another. There is rarely any fighting. More often than not, they are calling for one another with huge smiles on their faces. They really adore one another. Just today, as we walked to the playground, Savannah mentioned how lucky she is to have her sisters and how much fun they are to be around. I doubt many seven year olds pause and reflect on their luck in the sibling department while walking into a playground. I know I am biased, but I rarely see kids get along with each other as well as our girls do. I think I am the lucky one!!