Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas 2012

Our holiday is chalk full of traditions. My big girl especially remembers each and every one and makes sure they don't get left out. While I love them, I think we need to simplify next year. Between Christmas Eve night and Christmas Day, we are very busy. We don't even travel. This year, my greatest gift just might have been perspective. We will see how well I do at keeping this new found perspective and allowing it to create change in our 2012 Christmas.

Here are just some of the things that make our day enjoyable and memorable, yet hectic.

Christmas Eve dinner which is always Mexican Chicken Corn Chowder. My kids love it!
Pictures before Christmas Eve service because when else are they ever going to wear their dresses again?

Once home again, the girls feed the reindeer. . .

and bake their cooks for Santa. . .

Next up, the girls open Steve and Heather's gifts which are always beautiful ornaments from a land far away.

The girls change into their PJ's while the cookies bake. Once out of the oven, they place Santa's milk, cookies and many cards. Savannah made a spectacular toy for Santa. She used recycled materials and made something similar to a toy cannon. She thought Santa should get a gift too. Savannah has learned to cherish handmade gifts over store bought ones. She thought Santa would appreciate the same sentiment. Double click to read her very nice letter to guy in red!

Soon we are all pooped. Daddy reads, The Night Before Christmas, and the kids are quickly tucked in bed. They are keenly aware that Santa doesn't come if kids aren't sleeping.

After a late night for parents (I am sure many of you can relate!), the girls were awake at 7:00 a.m. and ready to fly down the stairs.

After stockings, we collect ourselves, have some breakfast and start into, what seemed to be, a marathon of gifts. Note to self. . . BUY LESS next year. Yep, we are changing our ways next year.

Here are some pictures that sum up my girls' Christmas!

And these are the moments and pictures I LOVED!

My girls in a nutshell.
Lila is SO hard to buy for. She doesn't want anything. Luckily, we found a few good ducks.
It wasn't a huge picture year for Savannah. Her nose was stuck in one of her many new books.
They were so sweet when opening a gift together.
My girls took time out to open gifts with their grandparents.
Savannah cherished each and every gift. She is a very thankful girl! I can't count the number of times she said, "Thank you!"

My favorite picture. . . It reminds me that the greatest gifts are truly the ones you already have. Swimming in new toys, this is who Lila wanted to play with. If we could leave the gifts out of Christmas, it would be the perfect holiday! Hmm. . .

Festive Amusment Parks

The idea seems a bit strange but is incredibly popular in our neck of the woods.  It seems that ever family I know, bundles up to freeze their bottoms off at an outdoor amusement park during the holiday season.  We chose to do it twice.

First Dutch Wonderland. . . 

Next up was Hershey.  We were joined by Baby Kate's family which was a good thing.  Daddy got two steps into the park and was hanging his head in a toilet which sent him back to the hotel rather quickly.  He tried to make it but, sometimes, you have to give in to sickness.  Kate's family did a great job of filling the void. This time, temps were intensely cold and eventually got the best of everyone. Soon the girls were back at the hotel and enjoying their nice cozy beds.  I've never seen my three girls share a bed so easily. Nothing like a late night in below freezing temps to put you right to sleep.

The next day, Daddy rallied and Grammy and Papa drove up to join in on the fun. We spent the day at Chocolate World and had a blast. My girls love that place. 

The house behind Kate and Lila is the most amazing Hershey "gingerbread house."  Hershey candy from top to bottom!

Working the chocolate factory is a always a hit!