Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We Were Still Waiting

As this week draws to a close and the girls prepare to celebrate their 2nd birthday, it is easy to get wrapped up in the festivities and "to do lists." But it only takes one moment of reflection to remind myself that we were told by many doctors that we would never get here which forces me to keep the stress level at a minimum.

It seems like forever ago that I posted the story about Adeline's trouble in the womb and the 5% survival rate she was given. So much has happened between now and then. Time kind of flew this past month.

Two years ago, time couldn't move! Each day, hour, and minute I was desperately seeking movement in the right side of my belly. Each night I went to bed, each meal, drive and every time I sat down, I begged Adeline for just one soft kick to tell me she was still fighting. I never got that kick which made the 29 day wait an agonizing journey.

It is very strange how 29 days can feel like a lifetime or, as this past month has, a week. It is easy to check the days off of the calendar as each day gets us one step closer to that "big girl" age of two. I try my best not to let these days go unnoticed, or unappreciated. Adeline fought with every ounce of her being (all 16 of them) to make it to her delivery. We all fought. We all prayed. We begged God out of desperation. He sustained our little one pound girl and miraculously she was born ALIVE!

Most children celebrate a birthday, a 24 hour period. For the Belle, well she deserves 29 days for her tumultuous 29 day journey!

Finally, just when I begin to struggle with our past and letting go versus holding on, Savannah brings me into the here and now. Yesterday, she went in to wake her baby sisters from a nap and calls,

"Hey Mommy, is it the girls' birthday today?"

"No," I reply, "Why?"

"Well come and look at Lila. She looks like she just got older. Mommy she looks like she is two!"

I think she passes for two!