Saturday, March 8, 2008

Third Child Syndrome

I have been meaning to get these pictures up. While Jeff (the girls' occupational therapist) was here last week, he worked on feeding. Much to my chagrin, he asked for utensils. Utensils mean mess in my book and I am already tired of cleaning two high chairs after each meal - I won't even go into my floor woes.

Of course, I handed over the spoons and bowls and watched as Lila Grace dove right into her food. It was like she had been secretly practicing behind my back. "She is ready," Jeff announces. Ready? Ready to make a mess and fling yogurt on the walls. To prove me wrong, Jeff dumped yogurt into the bowl and held the non-dominant hand as Lila scooped and fed the whole container of yogurt to herself. During this process, Jeff looks at me a bit puzzled. Clearly, he was waiting for me to turn this into a photo opt. I was thinking how nice it was to watch someone else feed my girls. Yes, I got the camera and took the pictures. Like all good mothers would do?

As I uploaded the photos, "third child syndrome" kept running through my head (yes, she is technically my third child - just not my smallest). This would have been big news in Savannah's life. Also, Savannah would have been digging into Yobaby yogurt while Lila got the cheaper and less organic brand - Yoplait. Third child syndrome or just tired and cheap???