Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Savannah!

These past 365 days have been big for my Savannah. She is growing into a beautiful girl both inside and out. 

My worries of her never emerging from her shell have long since passed.  My concerns for her standing her ground, making sure her voice is heard, and believing in herself have been cast aside - at least for now anyway.

My Savannah has emerged!.  These past few years, she has spent much time peeking her head out of our warm and comfortable nest.  Recently, she has begun to venture outside of it.   Savannah has gracefully loosened her grip of my hand while trying to discover who she.  It breaks my heart - I mean really breaks my heart - to watch her forge ahead without my hand in her's.   However, as I watch Savannah create that necessary distance in order carve her way in this world, I see her standing strong on the foundation of values we worked hard to build.   She is smart, compassionate, and crazy-fun all at once.  Possibly what is most remarkable about her is how she lives her life outside of herself.  You only have to be around her for a small time to realize that this girl is different.  Savannah sees the world through the eyes of others.  Because of this, she has deep insight, endless compassion, and a burning desire to right all of the wrongs.  I always tell her that she is going to do great things in this world.  I just can't wait to see what they are.

Do you think they can be done from inside the nest?  I would even settle for one foot in and one foot out.