Thursday, September 17, 2009

Phone in Her Room

In the middle of Savannah's playdate with her BFF Jillian, Savannah comes down stairs to tell me she has put a phone in her room.

"Mommy do you remember when you told me to call 911 if there is a fire?" (Don't remember this being high on the list because I am pretty sure my advice was get out, get out, get out.)

"Well Mommy, if the fire is right outside my door, I need a phone in my room so I can call 911."

She is always thinking. I, on the other hand, will lose sleep tonight. Fires are my biggest fear and thinking of my child trapped in her room is unimaginable. I just wonder what prompts these thoughts in Savannah's head.

Big Sister???

Today while trying to get some of these posts up on our blog, Adeline and Lila were playing around in the office. I asked Adeline if she had pooped and she said, "No way." Then Lila chimed in. . .

L: Mommy, change Adeline

M: Did she poop?

L: Yes, it's stinky.

M: Adeline, we need to change your diaper (still working on the computer and pretty unenthusiastic).

L: No, Mommy, I do.

M: You do what?

L: I change Adeline.

M: Okay, you can help if you go get the wipes.

L: O-tay Mommy.

I head to get a diaper while Lila already has the wipes in her hand. I lay Adeline down and Lila tries to get in the diaper changing position.

L: No Mommy, I change Adeline.

M: You will get yucky. Just wait.

Pull down diaper.

L: Ewwwww stinky.

Adeline: Yuck!

I wipe and Lila takes a wipe and gets right in there. Don't know what this says about her but I am assuming that she thinks she is the big sister. Hmmm, maybe I could have her change Adeline's diapers for me. . .

Miss Grace

Lila Grace and I were able to enjoy a night to ourselves in Philly. It was the first time I had Lila by herself over night. We had a great time. She was so sweet and loving in the morning. We went to breakfast at the hotel. She was such a big girl sitting nicely and eating while I was running around getting my food and waffle cooked. Lila greeted many of the people with her beautiful smile and sparkly eyes.

Later that morning, we took a walk down Chestnut and Walnut streets. Miss Grace would tell me not to stop at the street corner, "Go, Mommy Go." As we walked down the sidewalk, Lila was signing at the top of her lungs for at least 15 minutes. She got many looks, most were pleasant.

I am including a pumpkin she painted. This wasn't done on our trip but worth reporting. I drew a pumpkin and Lila carefully painted it in with no help. Almost perfect! I then asked her what shapes she wanted the eyes and nose and cut them out for her. She glued them on by herself.

In addition to painting, Lila has enjoyed some quality fairy time. Aunt Amy and Morgan made these skirts and wands for the girls. Right down Lila's alley.

First Day of Kindergarten

Savannah's first day of Kindergarten was a success. She woke up ready for school. Even I was ready to drop her off and see the school in action. Monday and Tuesdays were half days which made for an easy transition. Going forward, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are full days and Tuesdays and Thursdays are optional half days. Wouldn't you know that we are the only family planning on picking our child up early on the half days. It really surprises me. The full days seem sooooo long. Even Savannah said she that she asked her teacher how many more hours were left in her day. It was the hardest drop off yet. I can't stand leaving Savannah in someone else's hands for seven hours.

It has been nice walking Savannah up to the school each morning. I stay until her line walks to her classroom. It is a small school with only 100 students which makes it feel familiar and safe. Teacher Michelle is standing out in the school yard each morning when we arrive which makes Savannah feel right at home.

There are some pretty strong personalities in Savannah's class that are going to give Teacher Michelle a run for her money. I am concerned about how this dynamic may effect the class but Savannah doesn't seem to mind. She lets me know if anyone misbehaves which has always been boys (????) thus far. Oddly, Savannah told me that she sits at the table with all boys sometimes because, "I don't really care where I sit Mommy. It is no big deal." It appears that Savannah is growing up and able to handle loud and chaotic behavior from others. I am completely floored that she is happy to sit down at a table full of boys.

I think West Chester Friends is a wonderful and small community of fantastic people. We are excited to go to an all school picnic tomorrow and meet other families. I am already getting to know some parents of Savannah's classmates. I feel that we have made a good decision for Savannah while at the same time recognizing that there isn't a perfect school.

An afternoon snuggle turned into an afternoon nap. I guess this shows me that she still needs some afternoons at home.