Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Bunny Secret

As if our Bunnies weren't gross enough, here Lila demonstrates another reason why  Bunny is oh so great.  "If you tickle your nose with her ribbon, it makes you sneeze!"  Only Miss Lila!

An Easy Dinner

Since Savannah and I are under the weather and Alex had Lila out on errands, I decided to take three of us to dinner.  I knew it would be an easy dinner because two kids are always refreshingly easier than three.  I didn't know it would be this easy.  Cartoons were playing on big flat screen behind me.  I had to remind the girls to take bites.  I have to admit, I was a little bored! 

Reading Really Works

These last six months I have struggled finding age appropriate content for Savannah's reading level.  Most kids have their nose in Junie B. Jones but I don't care for the poor grammar, especially with an emerging reader.  Savannah was powering through Magic Treehouse books, one a day, but then they just seemed too easy.  Books like, Charlotte's Web, were too hard but the interest level was on the money.  Luckily, we found Ivy and Bean books this summer.  Savannah read each one in the matter of two weeks.  During this time I was reading Ramona books to her because they were a stretch for when reading independently.

By the time Savannah was done with her new found friends, Ivy and Bean, Savannah was able to read Ramona books!  For the first time, I was able to see that reading does make one a better reader.  Usually, kids make these leaps over months and, as an educator, I have had to question whether it was the other instruction during their day, maturation or truly a product of reading.  Since Savannah wasn't in school and it was just a matter of weeks, I can say it was READING.  I started reading the Ramona series to Savannah, but she finished it independently, and in record time.  Yes, I am always checking for understanding etc.  Miss Savannah loves her new found world that has many more titles to choose from.  Good bye Magic Treehouse, hello Beverly Cleary.

If you ever want to know what Savannah is doing with her free time, this is a pretty good clue.  Except this wasn't taken during free time.  Savannah was supposed to be setting the table. 

May her sisters fall in love with books the way Savannah has. 

Words From the Youngest

Miss Lila has been pretty sweet lately.  There is a lot of stress that surrounds her since her early entrance into Kindergarten.  Luckily, amid the stress and rigor of learning, she keeps our buckets full.

For example, after a long week of school where crankiness was in full force, I told Miss Lila, "You need to stop acting this way and fill my bucket."  In the midstream, she turned to me and said, "I love you mommy.  You are the best Mommy.  Now do you feel better?  Is your bucket full of my love?"  It certainly was and the crankiness mysteriously left our house!

Last night at dinner, Lila said grace.  Her first two lines on a 75 degree and cloudless, blue sky day were, "Dear God, Please keep us safe.  Keep us safe from the thunder."  Pennsylvania made its way into the prayer as well but I don't remember the context.  It was quiet cute.

After Lila passed her Number Ring at school for the first time, we celebrated with a special Mommy and Lila lunch.  After telling me countless times how thankful she was to go to lunch with me, Miss Lila looked up at me and said, "What do we call this?"  I asked her to clarify.  She responded, "What do we call a Mommy and Lila lunch?"  I told her, "Special Mommy and Lila time," which made her smile from ear to ear.

When watching Savannah run her race last week, I shouted out to Savannah that a girl was gaining on her and going to catch her.  Once the girl caught and passed Savannah, Lila broke into tears.  I couldn't imagine what could be wrong.  Once she explained her emotions I was touched.  "I didn't want that girl to catch Savannah.  I wanted Savannah to win."  Love their love for each other.

My bucket overflows! Bobby's does too, whether he likes it or not.