Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lila's First Book

It is so nice to see Lila follow in Savannah's footsteps at times.  Recently, she has taken to making books.  I remember when Savannah started this phase.  I think this phase must be prompted by the discovery of the stapler.  Both girls started writing books after learning how to staple.

It is such a delightful time to see the things they love most collide with their learning. Savannah's first story was about Bunny and Lila's is about ducks.  Lila loves ducks and is now able to put them into a simple story.  She took the time to draw out each of the three scenes. I am very proud of her for having a beginning, middle and end to her story that included a conflict and a solution.  This is something that is very hard to consistently produce at this age and I hope that she continues to develop logical story lines with a problem and a solution.  I also liked how she kept the number of ducks straight when adding the friend duck and then taking him away. 

Here is her story.  She had me write the words but I just wrote what she said and where she wanted me to write it on the page. 

NYC Baby!

Savannah I got to visit New York again this year.  This was our second annual trip to see the Rockettes and wander down 5th avenue and through Time Square.  It was another perfect trip.  How fun it is to spend an entire day in the city with my big girl who never threatens to cry, complain or sour any moment of the day.  Savannah appreciates the trip and understands that she is privileged to have such an experience.  We can't wait to go back next year.

Here is a run down of our day.

First, we went to Rockefeller Center to see the Christmas tree, even though it is always surrounded by scaffolding this time of year.  Savannah remembered that there is a Lego shop right off the ice skating rink so we went in and admired the impressive Lego displays. Below, Savannah is standing in front of a display of Rockefeller Center. 

Next, it was time for Radio City Music Hall and the Rockettes!  Radio City Music Hall is so pretty this time of year.  The show was just as good as we remembered and both of us enjoyed the 3D component that they added this year.  We both agreed that the classic cannon skit where the Rockettes fall down in slow motion, is our favorite part of the show.  

After the show, we met up with friends and headed down 5th avenue to FAO Schwartz.  It was Savannah's first time in the store.  She enjoyed the supersized items they had for sale as well as the floor piano.  We got to see the piano show which showcased songs that Alex plays for the girls at home.  It made the show that much more impressive for Savannah.  Before we left, Savannah and her friend gave playing the piano with feet a try.  

Here is the song that Alex plays most for the girls.  The ladies (the one with glasses just had eye surgery) had a rocky start but ended up doing an amazing job.  

Savannah giving the piano a try.

Nerds anyone?

We dined with our friends right off of 5th avenue for a much needed rest and refueling.  The girls enjoyed our window seat and fancy glasses.

We said goodbye to our friends and made our way into Time Square.  The bright lights and enormous billboards are impressive and can only be fully appreciated in person at night.  The sidewalks were packed with people but Savannah didn't mind.  We forged ahead and enjoyed every minute of it.

Thank goodness for a bus ride home where we were able to watch movies and sleep.  Twelve plus hours out of our house is always exhausting but when that time out of the house is spent in NYC at eight years of age, a nap on the ride home is always welcome.

Until next year. . .

Twins but so DIFFERENT!

Lila came downstairs with the above drawing.  She explained that the orange paper was a drawing of Adeline and the red paper was a drawing of herself.  Adeline is astronaut Jet (Adeline has moved past calling herself Sam and has taken to the name Jet) with her helmet, plain clothing and boyish hair.  The other drawing is of Erika, a princess Lila has named herself after.  Erika is sporting a fancy long dress, fancy princess shoes and a beautiful up-do.

I often try to explain how different my twins are.  I think these drawings sum it up nicely. 

About a week later, Adeline tried on her Christmas dress with, surprisingly, very little push back.  I convinced her that she would like spinning in it because the skirt would look cool - I couldn't say pretty or beautiful because that would turn Miss Adeline off immediately.  As I suspected, Adeline loved spinning in her dress.  I think it was close to a novelty because the girl never wears fancy dresses.  When taking the dress off of her, I saw the wheels turning in her head.  Next, she walked over to Lila's side of the closet and asked if she could wear Lila's pink dress - perfect for twirling.  Alex and I were shocked.  Lila seemed pleased to share her dress and Adeline laid it out to wear for the next day.

The next day rolled around and Adeline wasn't thrilled with her choice of clothing.  I made her stick with it and I am so glad I did.  She was so cute in her twirly pink dress and bow.  The Belle does NOT like pink or bows, and yet, it looks so good on her.   I used to think she was going to be my dainty, girly-girl.  Somehow, she has grown into the opposite.  While I love her unique style of caterpillar shirts and jeans and her imaginary  persona, (think astronaut Jet) I loved seeing her twirl gleefully in the driveway while waiting for her bus!

To close this post, here are Lila and Adeline dressing up at Charlotte's house.  Can you guess which one is Adeline. . .

So Very Thankful

There are no words to express my thanksgiving when I look at my girls. They are happy, healthy and bright shining lights in a sometimes chaotic and stressful existence. This last month has been even more busy than the last, even though I didn't think it was possible. Now we are entering into an even more busy time of year which easily draws us out of our home, running in every direction. It is my hope that as we try and navigate through this holiday season, we keep our focus on that which we are thankful for. It is so easy for me to get wrapped up in the inch of dust that is covering my house from the construction of our basement, the one day sale that saves me $15.00 on the requested Christmas gift or the must see Christmas event that drags us out of our house longer and later than we should be.

This season, I hope to focus on my girls and give them the gift of my time and love.

I do love them so!