Thursday, August 5, 2010

Westward Bound

After a week of procrastinating, we finally filled our suitcases. Savannah's suitcase was packed and sitting idle at the top of the stairs for a good four days, but the rest of us decided to shove everything in just hours before our flight. With great anticipation, we headed to the airport in search of planes and grandparents.

Even after arriving, I am still not sure if the little girls understand the distance traveled or that it will take a plane to get us back home. What I do know is that the girls were great travelers. I didn't pack toys, tons of snacks or much of anything for our journey west. Traveling light proved to be the better choice yet again. The girls watched their ipods, enjoyed looking out the window and  slept a good portion of the flights (Adeline skipped out on the sleeping bit).  Adeline was her typical self and slept little but was content watching movies.
I should note that there wasn't any illness or puking this time around. Although Adeline wasn't hooked up the pulse ox, her disposition remained happy and content which leads me to believe that she can handle the less than 21% oxygen saturation of the airplane air. What a relief!