Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Break

We were all very excited to get away from Philly and the cold weather for spring break. We packed up the car and headed to our good friends' house in North Carolina. We decided to break up the trip with a stop in Baltimore's inner harbor to visit their science center. It was fabulous. Nestled right on the harbor was a huge display of dinosaurs waiting for Savannah as we walked in the door. This was the biggest and most crowed venue we have visited without a stroller and boy were my girls good. The twins walked the entire time and understood that they had to follow our directions and stay close. We were there for over two hours without a fuss or whine. I was shocked. All of the girls delighted in the different exhibits which provided lots of hands on activities. The dinos were the biggest hit but in close second was the kids room that housed a gigantic water/current table. If you live within driving distance I strongly recommend a visit.

Soon we were headed south and arrived in Durham right before bedtime. Surprisingly, the girls didn't sleep more than 15 to 30 minutes on the way. Savannah didn't make a complaint once and amazed me with her patience. As long as we had the movie on the Belle was happy and so was Lila with the exception of the one hour she constantly asked for up up up.

Once at the Banks' house the girls were in their element. Toys, playground and trampoline was enough to keep them occupied. They slept like superstars which is the key to any trip away from home. We took all seven kids to the Life and Science Museum which seemed to be a very popular idea for not only our two families. There is a huge play area with various enclosed spaces to hide which was packed with kids. We let the kids run around but it wasn't long until I couldn't find Savannah. She is not one to wander and I panicked after calling her name many times without a response. My mind was thinking of someone sneaking her out of the museum and shoving her into their car all while I was still looking for her on the musuem grounds. Once I found her I burst into tears and squeezed her tight. Since it was seven kids to two moms, we decided to make an early departure because some times the activity isn't worth the risk. Jumping on the trampoline in the backyard was more exciting anyway.

On the steps at the museums butterfly house (I must note that Adeline enjoyed the butterflies and instead Lila Grace was the one who was scared. I never know with these girls)

Back home playing outside

Adeline preferred playing basketball as the trampoline was a complete sensory overload.

Soon Savannah was in the action and Adeline switched her interest to golf.

All of the kids were anxious to dye eggs. We split the kids into two groups but somehow they all morphed into one. The mess could have been much worse but it was still a challenge to keep the dye in the cups. This year, Aunt Natalie bought magical eggs that made the kids' names appear when put in the dye. All of the kids were quite impressed.

We celebrated Easter on Saturday after having to explain to Savannah that some families do it a day early because the Easter Bunny isn't as accomplished as Santa. The Bunny has to divide and conquer. It seemed to satisfy her. That morning the kids woke up to eggs hidden in the yard the baskets filled with goodies. Thankfully we were in a warm climate where I could put Easter dresses on the girls and not worry the cold. It was really nice to watch them hunt for eggs in their nice dresses. I was surprised to see Adeline walking through the grass and picking up eggs even if it was for only a few minutes due to lost interest.

The baskets

The Hunt

Later that day we decided to take the families to Daddy's old stomping grounds and visit Duke University. We walked through the gardens which were beautiful and lots of fun for the kids. The terraced beds gave Lila Grace somewhere to climb and test her balance. I had visions of carrying her out of the gardens soaked in pond water. If there was ever going to be a child that would fall into a pond it would be Miss Grace, especially when dressed in her Easter dress. Luckily, Nathan gave up his stroller so we could strap her in near the pond areas which prevented her from taking a dip all together.

We decided to pack it up and leave that night so we could have our Sunday to get organized before Daddy left for TX. The kids were phenominal in the car and slept most of the way. I thorougly enjoyed the ride. Nothing is better than sitting a car with three sleeping kids and dozing in and out of sleep yourself. I think Lila Grace would agree.