Tuesday, December 2, 2008

34 & 38 Can it Be?

Alex and I just finished up celebrating our back to back birthdays. You know you are knee-deep in parenthood when you get a cake just to amuse the kids. This year we went with an ice cream cake thinking daddy might actually eat a bite or two. He did!

The best gift of all. . . The hug from my oldest accompanied by a whispered, "I hope you have the best birthday ever. I knew you were going to be my mommy even before you had me and I was so happy that I got this mommy!" She proceeded to draw a heart on my chest and write XOXO inside it.

Not so flattering but neither is getting older! (taken by our oldest after she independently thought to pose and photograph her parents)

Singing Happy Birthday

Don't know why the camera decided to focus on Miss Grace in the zone