Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

We had a nice and laid back day today.  We were coming off of a pretty late night so church and a brief swim at the pool was about all we could handle.

The girls enjoyed giving their Daddy extra loves and a new running watch so that he can get a better idea of his distance and pace AGAIN.  Yes, if you stumble across a nice Garmin running watch, that would be the one Alex lost!

Here are some informal pictures I took today.  I also have a clip of the Adeline and Savannah talking about their Daddy in their PJ's, way past their bedtime.  Unfortunately, Miss Grace was put to bed early due to lack of listening the FIRST TIME.  It is something we are working on and felt we need to follow through with tonight.  Sadly, Daddy's Father's Day dinner was spent putting Lila to bed early and sitting down to eat after Adeline, Savannah and myself were finishing.  The best laid plans. . .

In the clip, Adeline is distracted by various noises - her sensory issues and attention deficits are pretty apparent.  She confuses a job with working out because she isn't focused due to a fly, a sound or who knows what.  All it took was my camera running out of memory, which caused a break in filming, to rein her back in and provide a focused and answer (I didn't prompt her). I think Savannah's explanations are pretty self explanatory except for when she refers to her bracelet as good luck. The bracelet was a good luck gift from her teacher this year. 

Happy Father's Day Daddy!  You shine in many areas, but fatherhood is your brightest role!