Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Snow, You Either Love It or Hate It

That pretty much sums up my girls.  As most know, we  had record snowfall this December.  It gave us an opportunity to bundle the girls (not my favorite) and try them out in the snow. Lila, as mentioned before, loved it. She spends at least 80% of her time eating a snowball out of her cupped hands. Savannah is rambunctious and much more of a willing participant with regard to sledding and general craziness. Adeline, well, as usual, she is a different story.

So how does a child with sensory issues register snow? Only they know but I am guessing it falls under the, "This is rocking my sensory world," category. Snow will most likely be an uphill challenge for Adeline. Not only is snow a different sound and texture under her feet which also puts her more off balance than usual, it is accompanied by cold temps and wind (most of the time). The moment Adeline heard we were going to go out and play in the snow (let's not even tell her that I held her out of her school Christmas party so we could work in a family snow day) she would exclaim, "I don't like snow, I don't want it!" Bundle her we did even though she fought the snow pants and growled the entire time I was dressing her. Once outside, she didn't want let down and would only not freak out if she was standing on the solid ground of the garage floor. We did eventually get her to emerge. Adeline loves snowmen and I was determined to make one with all three of my girls. I should note that the snow was fine and powdery so there I was with a watering can watering down the snow so we could pack it and roll it. Once we had a decent size snow ball I asked Adeline to help me pat it. She slowly walked out of the garage but remained on the side walk. She finally gave in once the head was on and I was still prodding her to help pat the snow. Gingerly she stepped across the snow (three or four feet across the yard) and reached out and said, "Pat, pat, pat" while she patted the snowman down. As long as she was focused on the carrot nose, or getting the buttons to stay on, she did okay. And, as usual, once in the environment for ten or minutes, her stress level dropped. That is not to say she wants to play in the snow ever again. Adeline will be the first to tell you that she wants to stay inside.

I wish with all my heart, that she could enjoy these experiences like her other two sisters. It takes all of my encouragement and creativity and Adeline's determination and courage in order for her to participate in such activities. Nothing is ever easy for The Belle. . . or so it seems.

(don't be mislead by her happy demeanor in the pictures.  It took A LOT of effort to get her to smile!)