Monday, August 15, 2011

Did You Really Wait?

While putting my oldest to bed, she asked me, "Do you remember when I was in preschool and asked you to wait in the parking lot?  You always told me you would.  Did you really wait?"  It was like a light went off in her head and she uncovered yet another one of my many white lies.

I came clean and told her I didn't wait.  She giggled and looked back at me with big smiling eyes.  Moments like these make her feel so grown up because she can look back at her young self and find amusement.

A day later she continued to grow up before my eyes with this:

"Mommy, you should move to the middle of the country so that we will never have a chance of living 3,000 miles apart when I grow up (stemming from the fact that I live 3,000 miles away from my own parents)." 

I looked at her with quizzical eyes and reminded her that she has always has claimed she wants to live with me forever - in my house.

She responded with. . . "Well, I really want to live with you forever and that is definitely what I am planning.  The thing is, well, I think you change your mind when you become an adult and don't end up wanting to live with your parents forever."
