Monday, August 8, 2011

She Did It!

I am so proud of Miss Lila Grace.   This girl set her first goal and achieved it!

Leaving training wheels behind was not easy.  Lila could barely reach her toes to the ground and had no previous experience riding a bike without the safety net of training wheels.  A situation like this, is often recognized as a difficult and looked upon with great reluctance by Lila.  She isn't one to "pony up."

This time was different.  Lila wobbled, stretched her toe to the ground and immediately recognized that learning to ride on two wheels was going to be hard work and require some bravery.  She hunkered down, said she wanted to keep trying and was riding without us holding on ALL of the time on her first try.

By day two, mission was accomplished. . . at least in her eyes.  Lila still doesn't know how to start on her own but has figured out how to stop (unlike in the video below.)

Here is a clip of her second try.  The day got away from us so she was sporting two wheels in the dark.

I am so proud of her determination!