Thursday, May 15, 2008

Four Year Old Logic

On the way to Adeline's surgery, Savannah stated that she wanted to play at the hospitals playground. Alex was planning on taking her and Lila to play and eat lunch while I got Adeline through her pre-op. Immediately after telling Savannah the plan she became very distressed.

"We can't eat our lunch out at the playground!"

"Why not?"

"The bees will try to sting us!"

"No they won't"

"Yes they will. They will get their stingers out!"

"Sweetie, there aren't that many bees around."

"Yes there are. Look outside, isn't it a nice day. Bees like nice days."

"Why do you think bees want to sting you."

"Well, peanut butter is brown and so is honey. They will think I have a honey sandwich."

We try to contain our laughter because this is clearly a serious issue to the one in the backseat.

"Okay, we will eat lunch in the cafeteria."

"Well, we better not buy any lollipops at the hospital either. Even if they have a whole bunch, we better not get any."


"Because the bees will think they smell like flowers and try to sting us again."

That's my girl. Always thinking things through.