Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Off the O's and Outside

This past weekend was beautiful.  Luckily, Adeline came off of the oxygen which allowed us to spend much of our time outdoors.  I am not sure it was her favorite place to be but the rest of us truly enjoyed it.  Ever since Adeline has been sick, her sensory issues have been on the rise.  It is amazing how she just turned into a different kid, the kid we had over a year ago.  She can't stand the sound of cars and, especially, lawn mowers.  Every time we take her outside she crawls up our leg growling until we hold her.  Then she says in her meek voice, "Lawn mower not get me."   She doesn't enjoy her out door toys either.  This has decreased her independence tremendously - I am back to holding her every second we are outside.  She has also demonstrated increased sensory issues in the house.  All of the sudden she hates sitting on the stools at the island and requests to be place in her highchair (she still eats in one for the support of a 90-90-90 degree position which is hard for her to maintain when eating due to her low tone).  She screams, "Lila not fall," when she sees Lila squirming around on the stool.  I don't know what do about it since she has been fine with all of the above activities for quite some time.  It seems like one day she woke up with a lung infection and and super intense sensory issues at the same time.  It is very FRUSTRATING!

Back to the more positive side of this weekend. . . time outdoor with friends, downtime in the house as a family unit, and cupcakes galore.