Thursday, November 15, 2007

Making Progress

It is hard to believe how far the girls have come. One year ago, they were both still hospitalized on varying forms of support. Today, Adeline is commando crawling and Lila Grace is up and walking.

Adeline has come very far these past two weeks. She is now taking things in and out of containers, looking for dropped objects from her high chair and mimicking various sounds. She likes to play the "shake your head no game" with her sisters at the dinner table and "see how much water you can splash out of the tub" during bath time. While most of these activities create more mess, take more time and seem to gang up on the single parent (when all three girls are shaking their heads no and not eating), I celebrate them! It is positive yardage. Adeline is also closer to pulling herself up to stand and working on a hands and knee crawl. She is 16 pounds, and 26 3/4 inches long. Yes, that is remarkably small but considering where she started, it gigantic growth.

Miss Lila Grace. . . Has any baby gone from tripping over their own feet to walking so quickly? Just a few days ago she was working on mastering 10 steps and now she pops up unassisted and walks in and out of rooms. Not only is she steady on her feet, she walks over toys, dodges her sisters and bends down to pick something up without missing a step. Instead of tipping toys over, she is working on tipping barstools, chairs and any large object she can manage to turn over. Often, Savannah is running ahead of her and sit on whatever she has her eye on which is met with much screaming. Oh, the joy of siblings!! Lila is just starting to say a few words. She says her own version of Uh-Oh, Elmo, and hello. She is weighing in at just under 19 pounds and is 28 inches long - just barely on the charts.

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