Friday, February 8, 2008

Is it finally happening?

Are my girls really starting to "play" with one another? I continue to ask my mommy friends who have three kids, "How do you get them to play together and without being the facilitator?" Well, I am not sure you do.

I have been told it emerges over time and I am starting to believe.

Just the other night, Savannah points out, "Look Mommy, all three girls are playing Legos." And by golly, they were!! Of course, five minutes later Savannah was mad at Lila for tearing her tower down and Adeline was getting inched out of space but. . . five minutes is a start!!

Today, Adeline woke up with a cough and Lila thought it was great fun to mimic her. This, in turn, made Adeline laugh which sent Lila over the top with laughter.

Savannah and Lila have taken to chasing one another and find it very entertaining. Thank goodness Lila is tough because she can take a beating from time to time. She slips and falls, runs into walls and is often pinned down by her sister during her hysterical attempt to get away.

Yes, I am happy to have "my girls," as one friend always puts it. It may be harder, more hectic and frustrating at times but I am beginning to see how three is a good number.

As stated by my good friend Becky, "The greatest gift you can give your children is a sibling."

I am finally a believer!!!

A glimpse of what the future holds. . .