Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Miss Grace

Well, not actually a day - an hour. We went from walking around the house with Savannah's horse backpack (don't ask me why this thing is so well liked by my children), to tearing up toilet paper all over the bathroom floor.

Before bath time Lila Grace insisted I keep helping her put on her backpack. This child has skills well beyond her age. She carefully pulls one strap off of her arm and then the next in order to have me help her put it right back on. When she feels the strap slipping she adjusts it just like that of a school kid. Now Savannah still claims she can't put on her shirts. Yet, her little sister is close to mastering a backpack? Possibly, my oldest daughter has been playing the helpless card for much too long.

After bath time, I am frantically running around upstairs trying to get our house in order for a showing first thing in the morning. Dusting, making sure toothpaste is washed out of the sink and these sorts of things took my focus off of Lila. Well, my cleaning efforts were soon canceled out by the mess that Miss Grace was making on the bathroom floor. I should have known something was going on because quite is never a good thing when it comes to Lila Grace. She had crawled inside her vanity, unwrapped a roll of toilet paper and then proceeded to tear it in to tiny little pieces. She had the guilty look when I first found her but soon after thought she was soooo funny! How did I make it without cabinet locks and baby gates with Savannah? I can't get Alex to install them quick enough for Miss Grace.