Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

What a weekend! We had beautiful weather and have tan lines (I have burn lines because I can't remember to put sunscreen on myself after lathering three kids) to prove it.

Our good friends came over this weekend for a BBQ. Their little girl was a NICU neighbor. The girls had a great time playing together. We spent time up at the playground (still a challenge for us even when Daddy is there to help), enjoyed some good food and drink, and spent the later part of the evening hanging out in the driveway. It is impossible to not be overcome with gratitude when watching all THREE girls play together. The girls have developed their own personalities at this point and they are all very different. What makes them similar is the percarious road they traveled for three to four months in the NICU. No one would have predicted that they would be running around in our yard, fighting over toys and barely giving their parents a chance to sit and relax two years later. How lucky we are.

Charlotte - 24 weeker with the most beautiful eyes popping out from behind all of that hair

We ended our weekend with a family day at home. The girls spent a solid couple of hours playing in our new wading pool. Lila Grace absoluetly loved it and Savannah still considers swimming in the driveway a big treat. Adeline was slow to warm up and had to play in the water while standing outside of the pool. Eventually, she got her feet wet and was the last one in the water. I think she enjoyed it the most.

All three girls have a tinge of red on their noses and faint tan lines from their suits. I guess summer is officially here and I couldn't be more happy!

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