Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

This is a day when I revel in my children and hope with every ounce of my being that I am raising them right! I am thankful for my girls, my wonderful husband who sent them into me holding roses this morning, and my fabulous mommy friends who always lend an ear or hand. I recognize this moment, this day, and the upcoming years with the girls still at home, as the prime of my life.

I still am in awe that God chose me to mother these three beautiful girls. I held onto that in the NICU. . .No matter the outcome, God chose me because he believed I was the best mommy for these girls. They have profoundly changed me for the better, I pray when they look back over their childhood they see a devoted mother who loved them (for lack of better words, I will use Savannah's) as big as the Earth and Heaven all squished together.

As one mom wrote to me today, "We can't dwell too much on the future or we won't be able to enjoy today." I agree, the future can loom over you like a dark cloud. Why are so hung up on the future? Another mommy friend unexpectedly dropped off a book to me this morning. The first line reads "We dream our lives in grand gestures, but we live our lives in small moments." (Small Graces by Kent Nerburn) I couldn't say it better myself. I have big dreams for my girls but I realize what melts my heart is often found in the middle of dinner, bath time or driving in the car.

Today I embrace my girls and the small graces in my life!

Savannah and Mommy standing in the grass getting their picture taken

Savannah and Mommy at the Mother's Day Tea

Savannah's recipe for Mommy's favorite dish (a salad from Bravo Pizza! click on the picture to read what she said)

Savannah singing I'm a Little Teapot