Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Latest

Much to my dismay, temper tantrums have descended upon us. Miss Lila will roll back, kick, scream and sometimes bang her head. Unfortunately, this occurs more than once a day. Is this what most two year olds do? Believe it or not, Savannah has never thrown one. God help me if I have to put up with them for another year or two.

While honing her tantrum skills, Lila Grace has also started to string two words together. Most of the words only I can understand but they are words nonetheless. I often will hear, "Drink please," or "Open please." I pushed her to say, "Open please Mommy." It came out all jumbled but I give her lots of credit for making the attempt. Just a week or two ago, I was trying to get her verbalize more. Now she never stops!

Lila also wants to do everything Savannah does. They have hit an all time high on the sibling rivalry spectrum. It really highlights their personality differences. Lila Grace gets screaming mad and Savannah sulks and moves off into a different room. I guess it is better than two screaming mad kids.

Along with trying to take everything her sister is playing with, Lila has also tried very hard to take Savannah's chair. Yes, we still have a booster at the table for Savannah. She prefers it to sitting on her knees when eating. Lila climbs up in it any chance she gets and tries very hard to buckle herself in. Of course, once successful, she is screaming, "Open please!"

We have pulled out the "blue cup" for Lila. Savannah used to walk around the house with this cup filled with Cheerios and cranberries. We allowed her to walk around with it because she was careful and only ate one at a time. This is why we make Miss Grace (aka shoveler) sit and eat.

Is that really a Cheerio hanging off of her foot?

Finally, Adeline has graduated to two full ponytails. I think I finally tamed her hair. Too bad it doesn't stay this way all day.

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