Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ants in her Pants

Believe it or not, that describes my youngest a couple of nights ago. I decided to let the girls play on the front porch and sidewalk while I sat in a beach chair relaxing. It was quite nice because Adeline was entertained by the steps, Savannah was playing with the neighbor kids that stopped by and Lila Grace was sitting behind my chair doing and undoing the buckle. Buckles are her favorite.

After about five "hands free" moments I wasn't surprised to hear Lila start to fuss. Our neighbor girl said that Miss Grace had ants on her feet. At this point she was crying and I was getting up to get a good look. Lila is the type of kid who cries if she gets marker or dirt on her hands. A couple ants would definitely set her off. After I brushed about 10 ants off her legs I couldn't figure out why she was getting more worked up. She was wearing a dress so I decided to strip her to make sure there weren't ants hiding anywhere. When I lifted her dress, I saw over a hundred ants swarming my little girl's body. Trying not to panic which would surely make everyone more upset, I calmly brushed them off of her body. They were in her diaper cover, all over her torso and working their way into her diaper. At this point, it was obvious they were biting her because they were biting me. After two or three minutes she was ant free and wanting her Bunny. Come to find out, Lila wasn't the only one being attacked. Bunny was covered which upset her even more.

Eventually, I got both Lila and Bunny ant free and snuggled them both. After a few minutes I took her up for a bath while my neighbor rounded up my other two so I could assess the damage. Poor Miss Grace! She had white welts covering her body. Thank goodness she is tough as nails or I would have been up with her well into the night.

To end on a brighter note, I am posting a picture of Lila's work. Believe it or not she can unload the dishwasher. If it wasn't her for her vertical challenge she would have put everything away. Instead, she handed me things that went up high and put the pots and silverware away herself. She is too short to see in the silverware drawer so I was pretty impressed that she got everything in. I guess I can finally let her touch the things in the dishwasher. Up until now, this has been a very big NO TOUCH!

Although it is blurry it is clear that Miss Grace is quite proud

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