Thursday, September 4, 2008


I don't quite know how to do a Seattle post. The pictures really tell the story. Savannah has been asking about the Space Needle for at least a year and finally has it checked off on her list. The girls were absolutely amazing. They were taken out of their beds at 7:00 a.m., driven across a mountain pass, and then drug through Seattle for seven hours. They didn't fuss, break down or nap. They really enjoyed the sights, especially the Space Needle, and sat back and relaxed when they were feeling tired. They actually let us eat dinner without being rushed. I was in awe of how well they did. It was nice to do something as family unit.

Here are many pictures telling the events of the day. We had such a good time that I really feel the need to post all of these. Sorry.

The famous home of the flying fish! Not ideal for two strollers but we made our way through and down to the water front.

Savannah is in love with carousels!

A ferris wheel right under the Space Needle was a must for Savannah and Daddy.

And I thought she was sleeping down there. Hah!

Finally, Savannah gets to travel to the top of the Space Needle

She really enjoyed it and it was delight to watch her experience something completely new to her - the height, crazy winds, telescopes etc.

Lila LOVED being up there. The girls decided to play a jumping game and Lila Grace jumped her way around the Needle. She caught many people's attention as she was just so darn cute.

Adeline loved it too but would check in with one of us from time to time as it was quite the sensory experience. We were surprised that she got down and walked but she did!

Can you say Marilyn Monroe! Yes, the winds are strong.

The famous Seattle fountain was a big hit with all the girls. Lila Grace headed right down to it. Surprisingly, Adeline walked (holding my hand) up from the bottom all the way to the top. It is very steep and long - the picture doesn't do it justice.

On the waterfront with Daddy. All three girls are smiling!

We met up with a friend (we hadn't seen Dan since he was in our wedding) for dinner. Again, the 4 year old photographer already working an SLR. You should see the looks of amazement people give her.

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