Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Just a quick update about my kids and strangers. I have heard a lot about how the girls should be watched by other people or consistently go to story times or music classes in order to get them used to strangers. Since we don't have family around and all of our friends seem to have their hands full with their own children (why does three kids have to be the trend right now 3+3=6!!!) our girls are with me 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. Okay, 364 days a year because my parents watched them once for us this year when we were out in Washington. Our therapists have expressed concern about how they will react when they go to preschool and are watched by someone other than me. I understand this concern because Lila Grace flips her lid if a neighbor tries to pick her up let alone a stranger.

To take matters into my own hands and in order to kill two birds with one stone, I joined the YMCA. Yes, I am in desperate need of some exercise. It really does make me a better mommy. While I work out, the girls are dropped in the babysitting room. I am shocked but incredibly pleased to say they do just fine. Lila may whimper but moves on to the toys by the time I am walking out the door. This babysitting room is a disaster and the staff are terrible about interacting with the kids. I am very fortunate that my girls have taken the high road on this one because I couldn't leave them crying in that not so nurturing environment.

I feel the need to share an aside. I took Savannah to the babysitting room today (I usually go when she is in preschool) and she was brought down to me crying 45 minutes later. Somethings never change. We took all three on Saturday and Savannah was happy as could be. When we picked her up she was walking around holding Lila's hand. That moment defines the reason why we worked so hard to give her a sibling(s). She found comfort and love in her youngest sister. Isn't that what siblings are for? To fill the void when parents aren't there to do so. Today, Savannah told me she never wants to to go to the babysitting room without her sisters again.

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