Friday, October 17, 2008


Adeline started Hippotherapy last week. This involves riding a horse (full size) while a lead walks the horse around the rink and physical therapist positions Adeline. It sounds rather simple and at first I asked myself, "Is this just a trend?" but once seeing it - I BELIEVE. I was in awe of how right it seemed for Adeline. These horses are so docile that they allow the kids to snuggle in. Of course that is the last thing Adeline wanted to do to a horse's head considering the head is bigger than her body and very hairy. She must might be the smallest kid they have had up on a horse (they start at age two). It almost seems like these horses are rooting for the kids they carry.

The biggest struggle for Adeline was the helmet. Not a surprise considering a lot sensory issues stem from her head. She growled and eventually screamed when Miss Alana was trying to get the helmet on. I told her to go ahead and shove it on because Adeline is never going to just allow it. She did and there were screams but the screams disappeared the minute the horse started moving. All the sudden the disorganized and very stressed little girl was quiet, focused and working more muscles than she knew she had. There is something about watching your tiny 20 pound child on top of a horse that makes you realize how physically demanding it is for her to counter the horse's movements in order to maintain balance.

Once she was settled I left the rink and went into the observation room. As I watched from a distance, tears filled my eyes. Here is my sweet Adeline sitting on a horse, which she would never want to be around if she had a say, cooperating, and suckering those around into loving her. The women who were working with her couldn't get enough of her sweet disposition and social smile. Somehow, the horse was symbolic of Adeline's world. So big, scary and constantly moving. And there was my girl going with the flow, working hard to stay afloat and not bothered that she has to work twice as hard as the next kid to find her way in this world. I love her for that! If there is a perfect disposition, she has it - hands down.

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