Friday, October 31, 2008


Our day started out with a Halloween parade at Savannah's school. We got everyone in costume and out the door by 8:45. Quite the accomplishment. Thank goodness daddy was home. Once Savannah's class paraded through the sanctuary and stopped upfront for pictures, I had come to the realization that I have "that kid." Yes, that kid is Miss Grace the child who really doesn't like people. However, when it comes to standing up in front of more than 100 people and pretending to be a 5 year-old (as she did when she just squeezed her way into the line of Savannah's class and stood there like she belonged while all the parents took pictures) Lila Grace is in her element. She smiled and knew that she was getting away with something.

Soon after we headed back home and tried to get a few pictures of the twins before their therapist came. Wouldn't you know that Lila Grace would pose for 100 parents that she doesn't know but wouldn't sit for even a second while smiling when I am behind the camera. So much for the "picture."

After therapy, the girls ate lunch and went down for an early nap while Savannah and I helped one of her friends celebrate her birthday at a local farm. We were exausted when we got home and passed out for a quick power nap. It wasn't long after that we were, getting costumes on, face painting and quickly trying to inhale our dinners. Miss Grace pulled at the stool while I was working on Savannah and said, "Up please." I thought she wanted to watch but then she was doing her Lila jargon and pointing at her cheek. She wasn't going anywhere until she got her face painted too. How is that time races away on a day like Halloween. I tried to plan everything but still felt rushed at dinner time. Thank goodness, Elmo seemed to take the edge off the girls while I was running around and organizing their costumes. Lila and Savannah were very cute all snuggled up watching their show.

The girls had a wonderful time trick-or-treating. I think they were out longer than most of the other kids in our cul-de-sac. It took a little while for them to get the hang of it, as seen in the video, but by the third and fourth time, they were pros. Lila Grace would lead the way up to the door and say, "Trick-or-Treat" while taking as much candy as the adult would allow. Adeline was right there with her and said, "Trick-or-Treat" most time too. Savannah enjoyed going to all of the different houses and soon realized that she was going to bring home a very large amount of candy. The girls took breaks every now and then in their stroller but were on their feet and walking up to houses the majority of the time. There was no fussing, crying or complaining. It was truly a fun-filled family outing. I couldn't be more proud of how they interacted with their neighbors, their display of great manners (please, thank you and bye bye were often heard) and how well the twins caught on to the sequence of trick-or-treating. I love it when my children surprise me.

Off and running

She sees an airplane

Miss Justine had special goldfish for us!!!

Why tear off the wrapper when you bite right trough it?

Savannah and her friends

Can you get your hands on any more things at one time?

Lila was fast asleep in bed. Possibly, Adeline should join her?

Will the sugar high ever end?

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