Thursday, November 20, 2008

Better, Thank Goodness

I just want to say thank you for all of the well wishes and support from many of you. I was terrified that this virus would hold on for days and that I would eventually get it. Good news! All my girls are on the mend and I am still going strong. Appetites are still off but mine would be too if I puked nonstop for a day.

I went downstairs to get Adeline's bottle before bedtime and found this. I raced to get the camera and ended up taking blurry pictures. The "idea" was captured. Savannah was sitting on the floor and both sisters and joined her for Savannah's version of "The Very Lonely Firefly." It was quite sweet. She then proceeded to put "her" baby to bed. I guess I get Adeline while she takes Lila Grace. I find it amusing that Lila will do just about anything when Savannah is pretending to take care of her. When I take care of her she is very contrary.

We are on the eve of Dr. Bernbaum and I am nervous. I pray that Adeline is full strength tomorrow and shows them what she can do. My nerves were lessened when I got a wonderful report from her physical therapist today. Her physical therapist went to school with her and was astounded at how well Adeline "hung" with the rest of the class. She is doing so well. She stands up for herself when someone takes her toy, she assesses her environment before acting and, most surprisingly, sat in her chair for snack and tried to do the motions to their "grace." This was only her second day there and she was already catching on to the snack routine. I am so proud of her.

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