Thursday, November 13, 2008

First Day of School for Miss Belle

I use the term "school" VERY loosely as I don't believe two year olds belong in a structured school setting. This certainly isn't a classroom but a playgroup with a few structured activities. When it comes to the Belle school seems appropriate. Why? Her therapists, along with myself have many question marks when it comes to Adeline. Does she really understand? Is processing and sensory issues getting in her way of carrying out a request? Does she process peer pressure (following along the other children)? Is she listening and not processing or does she just not listen?

In order to shake some of these issues out, we collectively decided to put her in a group setting one day week. When Savannah was asked by a neighbor why Adeline is going to school and not Lila, she responded, "We are trying to see if she will become a better listener? (Lila can listen just fine when she wants too.) We are hoping that Adeline will become familiar with the group and listen to her teacher's requests, follow the group and fit in nicely. It is a tall order but a great environment for her to either sink or swim. Let's pray she swims.

About her class:
Adeline is by far the youngest in her class. Her birthday of August (which is really November by skill levels and adjusted age) doesn't make the June cut off. There are many kids getting ready to turn three in a few months while she is just getting used to two. She is by far the smallest but she doesn't standout that way. I just did a quick scan of the room and noted it. I don't think anyone else would see it. She is not as physically able as the other kids. However, she is social with both the children and the teachers (we did a trial run a few weeks ago). There are six other children in the class and two teachers. A great ratio.

Today she dropped off nicely and told me goodbye. She went with the teacher happily. Upon pickup I was told she did great and that she likes to climb. I am not sure what that means but from my experience, she likes to climb up my legs and onto chairs. I was told she imitated the other kids at snack time by banging on the table and that she ate her goldfish but wouldn't drink out of a cup. I realized that she is probably the only kid in there still on a bottle. Adeline still won't take the cup. There are lots of things I will need to explain as time goes on.

The moment she saw me at pickup she said in very loud voice, "Bye Bye," and ran to me. She seemed happy. Let's just hope she swims!!

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