Monday, December 15, 2008

A Visit with Santa

Let's just say that the first item on my Christmas list is "my old kids back." Yes, unfortunately the girls are way out of their usual range of behavior. Lila and Adeline have been suffering from congestion and ear infections. Lila won't take her binki and is suddenly a tough sleeper. Adeline has become allergic to water - no joke. Honestly, when we humans are mostly water, how can a kid scream in the tub and come out with a red rash up to the water line? (no changes in soaps etc. if you were wondering)

That said, I still enjoyed our trip to see Santa. These fussy kids may still seem unfamiliar to me but excitement and happiness was very apparent when sitting with Santa. I just wish it was apparent in every day life. We waited in a substantial line to see the guy in red. Savannah was very patient while Daddy and Papa entertained the twins. Once it was our turn, Lila and Savannah walked right up to Santa while Adeline was placed in his lap. Santa was a smart one as he told the photographer, "This is going to have to be a quick one." Are we out-growing his lap already? All three girls looked at the camera and were in no rush to get down. We took the twins down and let Savannah have some special time.

Savannah had spent the last month working on a gift for Santa. She figured that no one buys Santa a gift and so off we went to the high class Dollar Store. Savannah chose to buy Santa candy cane decorations for his tree. She told Santa, "You probably don't have time to buy decorations for your tree so I got you these." She had taken home the coloring book Santa gives out from an previous impromptu visit in November and colored every picture for Santa. She gave it to him with a card that read, "I hope you have a nice summer." She understands that this is his busy time of year.

I stood on the sidelines with tears in my eyes as I watched my daughter give Santa his gifts. They were incredibly heartfelt and her biggest priority. Her own "list" was very secondary to what she had brought to give Santa. Savannah looked at Santa with such innocent faith. She doesn't question is existence or what he stands for. While waiting in line she told me, "God gave us Santa to learn how to give and care." Really, what child associates that with Santa. This Santa experience was one of the moments I will always remember. It helped outline what Christmas should be through the eyes of a child. Toys really can be secondary . . . even to a child!

Waiting ever so patiently

Walking the mall when she should be taking a nap

Can you believe that all three girls sat so happily?

Don't think about giving Savannah a hat and not me!!

We followed up the long wait with ice cream (for Savannah and Lila) and fries (for the Belle).

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