Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Eye Exams

Eye exams are par for the course for preemies, especially micro-preemies. Luckily, the girls' Retinopathy of Prematurity subsided in the NICU and their vision exams have been great ever since. That we true again today.

We have been told that Adeline's eyes don't seem to track together by a few of her therapists. After having her examined today it appears as if the the structure of her eyes (one is wider than the other) causes this optical illusion to the onlooker. Of course, I don't enjoy hearing how my child suffers from asymmetrical facial features but hearing that her eyes are "perfect" is music to my ears. Dr. Lehman mentioned that many of the asymmetrical features wouldn't be detected by the average person. Regardless, I think she is pretty cute.

Dr. Lehman had Adeline perform one fine motor/spacial task. She was asked to put a flat piece of plastic through a slot in a circle. She struggled but with trial and error got it. Dr. Lehman praised the trial and error more than I thought was necessary. I later watched Lila perform the same task without any problem. Dr. Lehman told me that she was much more impressed by Adeline's problem solving and persistence than she was with Lila's success on the first try (nothing against Miss Grace). She proceeded to tell us that it is indicative of personality and is one of the most important characteristics found in the Belle. It got her through the NICU but even more importantly, it continues to inch her down the road of developmental milestones. Dr. Lehman indicated that most kids, if missing the slot, shove the plastic haphazardly at the circle and then throw it on the ground. Adeline, calmly and gracefully found the slot on the fourth try.

What was more impressive about the above story is that Adeline is much more sick than I have given her credit for. She was laying in Alex's arms, both of whom were saturated in puke, and unable to really lift her head for more than a couple of minutes. She threw up well over five times while in the waiting room and was gagging her way through the eye exam. Sticking to a task when so sick above and beyond the call of duty.

Today's appointment was to confirm the need for tear duct stents. She is on for tear duct surgery on March 25. ENT will sneak a second set of tubes in as well.

Now if we could just stop the PUKING!

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