Friday, January 23, 2009

Fresh Air and Vomit

Let me explain by giving you a brief run down of my day thus far.

Today started out with therapy for both girls. Miss Adrienne accompanied us to drop Savannah off at preschool. We are trying to get a better handle on why Lila Grace feels the need to scream and run away from anyone who gets on her level to say "Hello." Of course today, she decided that she wanted to be a big kid and sign in on the chart when entering Savannah's classroom. Because the teacher gave her a pen and pad to appease her she was more than friendly. Not her typical, "Don't talk to me, I don't like people" self. After our successful, yet atypical, preschool drop off, we headed home so Miss Adrienne could finish up with the girls. At that point I realized what a beautiful day it was. The girls were itching to play with their toys outside instead of going into the house.

After Miss Adrienne left I decided to go to the grocery story to buy something fun for snack and birdseed for the bird feeder. I am fully intending on spending the afternoon outside with the girls due to a high temp of 40 which honestly feels like 60. The grocery store went well and soon we had Savannah in the car and were headed home. I got the girls excited about playing outside and it wasn't long after that every outdoor toy had been extracted from it's winter hiding place. Lila was off like a shot, pushing every toy she could get her hands on. Adeline was more subdue and quite happy with Savannah taking her for a walk in the stroller. It was such a breath of fresh air for all of us. No coats, no fighting - just lots of sunshine.

Eventually, we had to head into for lunch which was not a popular decision. I noticed that Adeline was being pesky and refusing every bite. Soon she was moved into the dining room for a "time out" meal. I was having to hold her arms down in order for her take her bites. After too many minutes of fighting her, I started Savannah and Lila Grace in on their snowman snack. A rice cake, frosting (I'm sure most would use cream cheese) dried fruits and mini chocolate chips made for a mouth watering treat. Just when I am elbow deep in frosting, Adeline starts to projectile vomit. I could tell it was sick vomit and not gag vomit because it just kept on coming. There are two places that I can't stand puke, beds and high chairs. Well she hit her high chair pretty hard. In fact, after she was bathed and in bed (sick yet again), Lila Grace would walk by the puddle of puke sitting on Adeline's tray and say, "oh, pook! Yuck" followed by some pretty cute giggles.

Well that is my fresh air and puked up day in a nutshell. I must mention that it ended on a pretty good note (well not quite ended yet). I told Savannah she had to nap at 3:00 which is always up for debate in this house. She quickly got to playing telling me that she didn't want to waste her time. I headed up at 3:00 and she had pulled her blinds, arranged her pillows and started her music. She told me she didn't want to make me have to do all of the work! What a sweet girl she is.

That reminds me. I have to document it somewhere or I will forget. Savannah asked me what year came before 2000. Of course to her, she hasn't heard a year starting in anything other than 2000. I thought it was pretty bright of her to be able to back track to 2000 and realize that there must have been a year before that.

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