Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lila Grace's First Day of School

Lila Grace started attending preschool this week. We have decided to send her on Tuesdays and Adeline on Thursdays so that they can forge ahead independently. It also allows me to spend one on one time with them while the other is at school. The majority of the time is taken up by therapy but there is a enough time for a car ride or to run a quick errand. Being with just one child is a real treat since it never happens when Alex is away in Texas

I had prepared myself for crying - really loud crying. Surprisingly, after dropping Lila off, I was able sneak out with her noticing. I waited around the corner and did hear an outburst but it was redirected before it escalated to a cry.

Upon returning for pick-up, her teacher announced, "Where was all the crying?" I was astounded. It appears that one of the teachers had a college age daughter with them that day. Lila was quite fond of her and was happy as could be but she didn't stray far from her new "friend." When Lila caught site of me she jumped up and down and yelled, "Bye Bye." She then shot her sticky hand up in the air and exclaimed, "Lollie." Sure enough there it was, a great bit sticky, slobbery mess but Lila's favorite nonetheless. She told everyone good bye again and hopped out of the door. It appeared as if she had a great time.

It was really nice to pick her up in such good spirits. Adeline is always in good spirits too. There is just so much to worry about when Adeline is there. When Lila is at school, I just assume she is participating and following directions like any other kid. Clearly, their two roads are dividing. Only time will tell when their paths meet.

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