Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Random Conversation

As I was snuggling Savannah before bed tonight, we were talking about getting older. I told her she needs to stop because she will be an adult before I know it. There was a very long pause and then,


"Fourteen what ?" I say.

"Fourteen years until I am 20 years old."

I couldn't believe she could figure that out without fingers or a pencil. I asked her how she did it and she said she counted. Pretty good counting for a 5.5 year old. I told her that she was smart and explained that the kind of counting she just did would be difficult for most five year olds. She said, "It was easy for me though" in a matter of fact kind of tone. I told her that she was lucky because thinking is easy for her. She came back with, "Well Mommy everyone is different you know." She's so right!

The conversation turned to different color eyes, hair color and the differences she sees in her sisters. It seemed to culminate with skin tones and faces. Savannah told me she liked the color of her hands and especially liked my face. "I love how your faces always looks sleepy Mommy." Okay, I was trying to prepare myself for anything when discussing skin tones with my five year old but wasn't ready for the tired face comment. Is that really what she sees when she looks at me? It was only two days ago when we were examining all my wrinkles and Savannah was squinting her eyes so that she could look just like me. I am not asking for much but could my face avoid going into the dumper before I'm 40?!

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