Friday, April 17, 2009

Haircuts and ER

We took the girls for their first haircuts today. I wasn't going to cut their hair for at least another few months but Adeline has reached her limit with all of her tangles. Her hair was more than halfway down her back. One of the most difficult things we have to do with her is comb her hair in the morning. It has always wacked out her sensory system which results in yelling and throwing EVERY morning.

I decided to pay the extra money and take the girls to my hair lady - that is if you can call her my hairstylist if I only see her twice a year?? Anyway, I knew she would be patient, the salon would be less crowed, empty in fact, and she wouldn't judge Adeline if it went poorly. All I needed was twenty sets of eyes on my screaming and kicking child at the Hair Cuttery. Mia did a great job with the girls. Adeline wanted to go first and sat for all of the combing! She ended up sitting through most of the cutting but got restless about 15 minutes in. It took quite awhile because she has A LOT of hair. Now her hair sits above her shoulders in a stylish cut. She looks really cute with it down.

Lila Grace went second and didn't want Mia to touch her. Eventually, she warmed up and was all smiles. Only and inch or two came off of her hair but it looks much cuter.

We headed to the park afterward to let the girls play around. I guess we should have headed home for naps because Adeline decided to fall backwards and hit her head. She was climbing up to a higher level on the playground structure and lost her balance. She fell back and smacked her head on the lower level. Because she has low tone and is physically weak, her reflexes don't kick in to catch her as they would in a typically developing 2.5 year old. She usually rallies after five minutes of crying but didn't this time. She cried with her head limp on our shoulders for 15 minutes with no signs of calming down. This was followed by vomiting which sealed the deal for an ER trip. My gut told me she was fine but I knew I would never sleep or let her sleep without getting her checked. The vomiting was just too weird.

After a rather smooth and quick ER visit, less than four hours, we were on our way with a normal CT scan under our belts. Adeline was given Versed to sedate her for the CAT scan which was ironic. It is the same medicine that I declined for her previous surgery. It makes kids loopy which makes the separation before surgery easier. It worked for the scan because she was swaddled, strapped and then taped to a stretcher that moves through a donutlike machine without a fuss. She was perfect, sweet and still. She came out of the scan singing Twinkle Twinkle at the top of her lungs and counting to 10. That all ended abruptly and she became a thrashing monster that didn't quit until in her own bed (the reason I have always declined this additional sedative for surgeries). I was the mom with the thrashing kid in the parking lot that got an evil eye from every passerby. I thought taking her outside while Alex finished up the discharge would help. Boy was I wrong. I am pretty sure that I will stay far, far away from Versed in the future.

Here are the before and after pictures of Lila.

Blowing Kisses

Only before and during pictures of Adeline, the after will have to wait

Had to include a picture of my very patient big girl who spent the day tagging along and then in the ER waiting and waiting

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