Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Little Dirt Doesn't Hurt?????

We spent last weekend outside since it was beautiful and sunny. Savannah was anxious to get the garden in order so we could transplant our seedlings. In the process of getting things squared away, we filled the wheelbarrow with potting soil. Soon, Lila was trying to climb in so I decided to get out some shovels and let the girls dig their hearts out. Never, in a million years did I expect it to lure the other kids from our cul-de-sac, eight in all. Even Adeline would go over and dig for five minutes or so until she was maxed out and needing a break. While she was back and forth, Savannah and Lila Grace were in the dirt for two solid hours.

Soon I noticed their was a "who can get their hands the dirtiest" competition. I, not so wisely, decided to get a bucket of water out so everyone could wash their hands. Lila had other plans.

Dirt + Water = MUD!!!

Yep, handfuls of dirt were added to the bucket and then poured into pots with holes in the bottom. Those holes drained the muddy water right back on Lila's body.

Do I dare say this will be the dirtiest Lila Grace will ever be? We had to strip her down outside in order to save my house. The bath was intersting but what was more entertaining was when I held Lila up to the mirror to give a glimpse of her dirty self. She didn't like the "yucks" once seeing them in the mirror.

Water. . . the fatal flaw

Go ahead and double click on this picture so you can get a feel for the extent of her dirtiness.

Impressively dirty for Miss Belle

Nothing quite compares wot her sister though. Lila was thirlled to be naked because she could squish her feet in the big mud piles. Don't worry, I took her in before she streaked through the neighbor's yard.

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