Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Natural History Museum with Friends

The girls and I picked up a neighbor and a couple of girls and headed to Deleware's Natural History Museum. We had a very nice time and all of the girls got along nicely. It was Savannah's chance to see the dinosaur bones she has been longing to see. Savannah was there to tell us what dinosaurs were carnivorous and which ones were herbivores. She knows more than I do. Unfortunately my flash didn't fire for the dino pictures because they were pretty cute.

Lila Grace kept up with all of the big girls and participated in all of the hands on crafts. She couldn't get the lids back on the markers so she very politely handed them to the man behind the table saying, "Help please." I was surprised she engaged with him so quickly but I guess when Lila needs help she will ask the first person available.

Adeline was a different story. I have known that she would not be able to handle an aquarium as the darkness and concept of glass wouldn't sit well with her sensory issues. I was surprised when the same rang true with this museum. At first she was fine but when we approached a fish tank she was very nervous and climbing up my leg. Adeline was pointing out the fish but she had to be in my arms. The animals behind the glass exhibits seemed real to her. The birds made her very nervous as does the real one at Savannah's preschool. Adeline hit her breaking point when we went into a mechanical bug display. The bugs were 95 times their actual size and roughly moving their legs and mouths. Adeline was in the stroller when one caught her eye. She started flailing in terror. She clung to me and buried her head on my shoulder. Of course Lila Grace was standing by the same bug and laughing at it. They couldn't be more opposite.

I was saddened when made aware that Adeline's sensory issues are going to follow her into museums and later into school field trips. She was uneasy most of the time and likely didn't enjoy herself. It is hard to see her twin loving every minutes of the trip, taking part in ALL the activities and labeling many of the creatures. I guess this is Adeline's road and am thankful that Lila Grace is mostly independent during trips like this so that I can give Adeline all of the support she needs.

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