Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Day at Sesame Place

Last month, our girls were treated to a trip to Sesame Place, compliments of the Variety Charity. This charity reaches out to families that have children with disabilities or delays. I can't say enough about Variety. I love how they encompass the entire family for events like these. It isn't just the child that is living with the disability or delay, it is the entire family that lives it. Although you would never hear Savannah complain, I am sure the countless hours of therapy and doctor appointments that have left her to entertain herself in the background isn't her idea of a good time. Like I say in my blogs header, the twins have transformed my family. We are living a completely different life with altered priorities than we did prior to the twins' arrival. Variety has given us the opportunity to give back to our children - all three - for their time, effort and perseverance.

I put together a video that sums up the trip. It was our best trip yet. The weather was super hot for April and the girls were pushing through their nap time. It didn't seem to matter. We all had a fabulous time and kept going strong for five plus hours.

My favorite two moments will always be something I carry in my heart. When we went to see Elmo, Savannah and Lila couldn't wait to get up close and personal. Adeline wanted so badly to hug Elmo but the size, unfamiliar territory and crazy red fur served as a large obstacle. You can see in the video where she "hearts over matter" and leans in for a hug. The second heartwarming moment was watching Lila Grace delight in the parade. She jumped, yelled and pointed at every character. If I wasn't holding her back she was darting out onto the parade route. When Ernie came into sight she could barely contain herself. Luckily, a parade coordinator was standing next to us and flagged her as a child Ernie should visit. The professional photographers were aimed Lila's way as she was exhibiting the magic of Sesame Place.


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