Wednesday, July 29, 2009

For the Big Girl Bed Record. . .

My fear of the girls not staying in their beds appears to be irrational. To my surprise, they seem to get the "not getting out of the bed rule." Savannah never got out of her bed, I mean never. I was sure I wouldn't be that lucky a second and third time. With the exception of the Adeline's third night in her big girl bed, both girls have stayed put. During that night, Adeline didn't really get out of her bed but she did crawl over her foot board into the chair and try to fall asleep there. The novelty seems to be wearing off. I still find Adeline walking all over her bed and Lila throwing her Bunny off the bed which requires me to retrieve it for her but staying IN the bed doesn't seem to be a problem. Please God, don't let me jinx this.

All in all, I am really pleased with the transition. It has been fairly low stress and the girls have enjoyed showing off their big beds to everyone that comes to our house. The best part in all of this is that I can climb into their beds and snuggle them. One morning Lila woke up early and I slipped in bed with her and enjoyed a long snuggle. Is there any better way to start my day?

I was taking pictures of Savannah after I put the twins down when I heard a mumbled, "Picture please Mommy." It took me a minute to figure out what Lila was saying with her "binky speech" but I finally got it. These are the faces that were waiting for me. They don't necessarily look tired, do they?

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