Friday, July 31, 2009

Occupational Therapy

Our girls are transitioning out of their Early Intervention therapies and entering the Intermediate Unit therapies that start at age three. We are very sad to see our therapists leave. They have become a part of our family. Each week they travel to our home and work with the girls. In the process they have gotten to know the girls, Savannah and myself very well. We all seem to light up when they come!

Adeline spends more time with her OT than any other therapist at moment (1.5hr x week). Dot (her OT) does an amazing job addressing Adeline's fine motor and sensory needs. She works on motor planning, visually scanning the environment, messy play and the use of both hands together. All though the above sounds simple, they are all areas in which Adeline needs much help.

The way in which Dot works with Adeline is simply impossible for me to replicate when by myself. Typically, I have to take Lila out of the room because she interferes with Adeline's activities. In the video below, I was shocked that both Savannah and Lila sat quietly and watched. I also don't have the knowledge base that Dot has with regard to sensory integration and motor planning. She is a fantastic OT and has helped Adeline tremendously. It took us a long time to find someone who could address Adeline's unique needs and I am very hesitant to start with a new OT with our transition to the IU. We will deeply miss her.

I rarely take pictures during a therapy session because it is all I can do to keep the other child from interfering. Because Savannah and Lila were "sitting it out" nicely, I was able to grab the video camera. The video below shows Adeline putting pieces of Mr. Potato head together. She had to work on the dexterity in her finger tips to pull her along the floor, use both hands to put the pieces in all while visually scanning her environment in order to form a motor plan. The activity is great for Adeline's weak core. It is just a sample of what Dot does in order to push Adeline in her development.

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