Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Chat With a Soon To Be Six Year Old

Savannah was particularly sentimental tonight when going to bed. She has convinced herself that she turns six tomorrow because we are having her birthday party one day early. All day long she mentioned that her routines were being done for the last time as a five year old. Her last nap, last dinner, last story etc. I laid down with her tonight and she asked for extra loves, one last five year old hug, and snuggle. She is excited to turn six but seems to understand that I am not thrilled about my girls getting older.

Before she fell asleep, I decided to interview her about her likes, dislikes, and life in general.

M: What is your favorite toy?
S: Thumbelina Barbie, Cars, Stuffed Animals, and, of course, Bunny.

M: What is your favorite story?
S: Cesar (thanks Aunt Amy)

M: What is your favorite thing to do when you are by yourself?
S: Play in my room with my toys.

M: What is your favorite thing to do outside?
S: Ride my bike.

M: What type of clothing do you like to wear the most?
S: A dress.

M: What do you want to be when you grow up?
S: A mommy.

M: Do you want to have kids?
S: Yes, one girl and a husband like daddy.

M: What do you love most about Lila Grace?
S: That she hugs me all of the time and likes to hold my hand.

M: What do you love most about Adeline?
S: Her sweet little voice and when she says, "Hi, Nana."

M:What is your favorite meal?
S: Biscuit, chicken, and fries.

M: Favorite snack?

M: Why are you lucky?
S: Because I have such a sweet mommy and daddy.

M: What do you want others to think about you?
S: That I am sweet.

M: If you had $100 what would you do with it?
S: Buy all the toys I want.

M: If you could change one thing about what mommy and daddy don't let you do what would it be?
S: I would make it so I can get money whenever I want.

It ended with the request that we take her last five year old picture.
I just love this girl!!!

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