Friday, October 2, 2009

Full Cirlcle

As mentioned a few times before, we are finding many full circle moments in our lives. Now that the twins are the same age that Savannah was when they were born, I am showered with flashbacks of emotions that ruled our lives three years ago.

Today, Lila Grace had her Get Acquainted Tea at school. All of the parents come and watch both three year old classes sing a few songs followed by snacks and fellowship. It is a bit overwhelming for the kids to walk into a room filled with parents who have their cameras firing. Lila didn't know we would be there (most kids didn't know what was really going on). She followed her line in the room and then spied her daddy. While most kids were still and shy, we could hear, "Oh, hi Daddy, hi!" Oh look, it's Daddy." She repeated this and even tried to come over to him. We didn't get it on video because Daddy was too busy being a proud parent. I quickly grabbed the camera and went to a spot where I could grab some pictures and Miss Grace spied me as well. Unfortunately the discovery prevented her from doing any of the song or motions. I am not sure she would have anyway.

The full circle moment was when we were leaving the tea. We bumped into Mrs. K the preschool's director. She said watching Lila point out her parents while being so full of life and health brought her to tears. As she welled up she reminded me of the thank you note I had sent her three years ago with the girls' footprints on the front cover. A tearful Mrs. K reminded me that this tea was more than a proud moment in my life. It is miraculous. Lila Grace stood could be heard signing very nicely as the classes walked down the hallway, was (for this occasion) the kid that everyone thought was cute and sweet, and didn't differ from her neurotypical peers one bit. I know I always say it but never in a million a years. . .

Savannah's Get Acquainted Tea
Here is a clip of Lila discovering me. The second is her being cute and then hearing her teacher talk about the lollipop center pieces. The way to Lila's heart has always been lollipops (Let's not forget that Savannah wasn't allowed to have lollipops until she was three and a half. Hmmmm)

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