Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Things They Love Part III

Miss Grace! I know just where to start. . .

Lila is my biggest binki/bunny and now blanket girl. Her Bunny is in worse condition than Savannah's which is very hard to believe. Possibly the most unique and humorous aspect of Lila's Bunny love is where she likes to rub it. I bet you wouldn't have guessed on her toes. Each morning while riding in the car for 1.5 hours, Lila takes off her shoes and socks, hikes her pant legs up, and gives her toes a good Bunny rub. Rubbing Bunny's ribbon on the inside of her nostril seems to be a favoirte as well. We have limited the binki to the car and bed but she still loves it immensely. She only likes certain ones - never pink or purple to be exact. The blanket, well the blanket has been with her from the beginning. It draped over her isolette serving as "room darkening shades." Now it snuggles with her under her sheets to keep her warm.

Coming in at a strong second is Savannah. Lila Grace adores Savannah and their relationship. Their monkey see, monkey do interactions are priceless. Lila Grace puts up with a lot because much of Savannah's pretend play remains above Lila's head. The two of them would rather play with each other, running, screaming and chasing, than playing with a toy any day. An example of their sister games is playing tag. One must tag the other and then say, "I love you." Savannah came up with it on her own.

There aren't many material items that rank high on Lila's list. In fact there are just a few and Ernie has climbed his way to the top. Lila fell in love with Ernie when she turned two and now can spot him an mile away. She recognizes his voice in songs, used to only want Ernie diapers, and is the first to tell a stranger, "I like Ernie."

Another material item that Lila will spend her time on is a puzzle. She isn't independent with 24 piece jigsaw style puzzles but she is getting closer each day. She is a pro at this wooden three pieces to a picture puzzle which is pretty tough. Lila carefully searches through all of the puzzle pieces looking for just the right one. It is nice to see her methodical when most of the time she flies by the seat of her pants.
Dancing, dancing and more dancing. Spinning, singing and dancing. This is what Lila does for fun. She has a favorite song and it must be blaring loud. She won't dance in shoes or socks and we just recently won the clothing battle. For the past six months, she has danced in just her undies.

Does filth count as something one can love? Anything that is wet and has the ability for Lila to drag her feet through it calls her name. She strips off her shoes and socks immediately when she sees a puddle. Luckily, she is getting old enough to know that I DON'T like it which makes her hesitate and ask - sometimes. Most of the time her hands are muddy and her feet are wet.
Along this same line of thinking are rocks. Lila loves a good rock. When she was younger, she would pick one up off a parking lot and carry with her until we got home. I would have to pry it out her hands in order to avoid living in a rock pile. Now, she picks them up and looks for places to throw them. Give her a stream lined with rocks and the child is occupied for hours.

Finally, I must include the color red. Lila Grace feels entitled to anything red because, "I like red mommy." Every picture she brings home from school is colored solidly with red. She used to insist on wearing red socks with everything. Today it was the red bow that had to be in her hair. It seems that red is factor in each day of Lila's life. The funny thing is, Savannah was the same way!!

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