Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick Or Treat

Here goes the obligatory Halloween post. Much less monumental than last year when the girls were just on the threshold of saying, "trick-or-treat," and Adeline was barely able to hold her own with steps. However. . . this year was full and fun.

Due to the impending rain, we took the girls to a large mall to trick or treat. This was my first experience with Malloween, and it wasn't bad. Most retailers were handing out candy and the girls figured out very quickly how to spot the stores with the goods. I was pleased to see them waiting in line and saying, "thank you." None of the three girls really love saying, "trick-or-treat," which most stems from their parents social shyness.

While in the mall, Savannah the hamburger was a hit. She was stopped time and time again by people telling her how wonderful her costume was. I was asked many times if I made it myself. Clearly, I look more able than I am. I have to say the hamburger costume was refreshing. Although it was a last minute clearance purchase with no real decision to wear it, the hamburger reminded me of character free Halloweens past. Nowadays every trick-or-treater is a Disney Princess or Star Wars/Transformer. We are just as guilty as the twins pranced around in their Barbie princess dresses. The hamburger pleased me because it didn't subscribe to a character, gender or time period. And of course, there isn't a cuter smile out there to pull it off!
After the mall, the we headed home for a nap with low expectations for neighborhood trick-or-treating. To our surprise, the rain held off and the girls were out by six o'clock. Here they are with the favorite neighborhood girlfriends.

The girls hoofed it much of the way but the distance between houses here is too much for little legs. The girls were in their stroller and Savannah on Daddy's shoulders by the end. We were all hot (strangely humid) and poured on ten minutes before making it home. What a better way to cure the wet costume blues than a bubble bath in Mommy and Daddy's tub. Finally, all three girls got to tub it up together.

We played around a bit, well who am I kidding, I watched the girls jump, roll, and be lifted by daddy. We will see how much longer Daddy can do this. Savannah doesn't understand why he can't lift her and a twin??? (He is loving me for posting this picture)
Soon, the twins were in bed and Savannah was counting her stash. 78 pieces!! Looks like someone is coming down off of their sugar high.
Now if anyone could just rid this house of candy, cookies, and all other sweets I wouldn't have to be asked a gazillion times a day for a snack. We can't possibly eat all of this. The amount of candy three kids bring in is ridiculous.

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