Monday, January 4, 2010

Adeline's Christmas Program 2009

How do I describe my feelings I was having before Adeline's program?  Looking back, my expectations were very low and my overall thought process was negative.  It is funny. . . I wasn't expecting Adeline to shine but fully expected Lila to shine like a star during her Christmas program.  It isn't a sign of anything more than knowing what they like and in which environments each girl thrives.  Well this time, I was very wrong.  I have been over Lila's potty woes during her program which leaves me here to describe Adeline's amazing performance.

I should set the stage so that my low expectations make sense.  The entire school participated in the program which made for a VERY crowed sanctuary and shoulder to shoulder line up of students.  Adeline, to my knowledge, has never been in the sanctuary that is adorned with beautiful stained glass and high ceilings both of which are noticed by Adeline instantly when walking into a room.  Being touched by the student next to her is a constant agitation - she just isn't a big fan of touch from anyone other than her parents.  The cameras constantly flashing can send her into a daze.  What I most expected was for her to melt down when lined up with the children at the front of room - too crowded and unfamiliar.  Yes, this is the perfect recipe for a sensory overload for a child like Adeline.

Adeline walked into the sanctuary holding Mrs. Stueve's hand.  I was sure Mrs. Stueve would never be able to remove herself from Adeline's death grip.  My vision had Adeline sitting in her teacher's lap the entire program, if she wasn't in mine.  Surprisingly, Mrs. Stueve showed her where to stand and Adeline let go - this even surprised Mrs. Stueve.

The music started and it was clear Adeline was taking in her surroundings and a bit overwhelmed by all that she saw. Here she is during her first song. (all the clips are >30 seconds)

After a few songs, something clicked. It was almost tangible. She smiled, made eye contact with her teacher and started having fun. I almost fell out of my pew.

They ended the program with "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."

Tears fell from eyes as I stood in awe. My little one pound miracle was nothing short of NORMAL. She did better than some of her peers. I understand that performing or not performing has no correlation with intelligence etc. but this was a moment. Adeline is rarely typical in these settings but on this day she was. Why? I don't know, but my hope is that it is one more baby step toward finding herself comfortable in the world that surrounds her. She focused on the music, learned the words and actions to the songs, and performed for a room full of strangers. For a little girl that couldn't handle another baby's cry, a leaf blowing across the driveway, the sound of a vacuum, or being put down in a crowded space, this is PROGRESS.

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