Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Potty

It should be noted that Adeline is completely potty trained.  Yes, I said it before but I want to make sure and document that she verbalizes when she needs to go. I thought this would take at least a two to three months to come into place for her but she is already there. With the exception of Christmas day, both girls are accident free and I couldn't be more happy about it. Rarely do I have make a potty stop in a store and they are fantastic about holding it during long car rides etc. The potty training burden has been lifted!!!

Here is today's potty talk. . .

A: I need to poop

I help her on the potty

A: It is too hard Mom

Me: You have to push hard Adeline

Obvious pushing is observed

A: Where is it mommy?

Pushing coupled with interesting sounds

A: Oh, that is poop gas mom. It's in there (pointing in the toilet).


A: It's funny mom.

A: Poop is too hard mommy.

Off the potty she goes until 15 minutes later when she completes her task. After, she runs into Alex's office. . .

A: I poop Alex.

Daddy: Yeah

A: Alex, know what?

Daddy: What Adeline?

A: I potty.

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