Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day Tea with The Belle

After the African Market, I made my way over to Adeline's school for their school wide Mother's Day Tea.  While most children have anticipation and excitement over the event, I am not sure Adeline fully understands what it means when I tell her that I will be at her school for the Mother's Day Tea.  It is really hard to know.  Because of this, I always worry that she will have an adverse reaction to all of the people or spot me in the crowd and want to come and sit on my lap.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Adeline immediately saw me and waved with a very cute, "Hi, Mommy."  She did a great job singing the songs and doing the motions.  At the end, when the preschool director stood up to speak, Adeline stepped down and climbed into her teacher's lap.  She rested her head on her should, then raised up and said, "I love you Stueve."  Priceless!!

After the singing, we joined together for some snacks and fellowship.  Adeline presented me with a gift she made.  She also had a drawing of me.  She initially did make a circle for my head and dot some eyes in but covered it up with her scribbles.  She isn't quite ready to draw due to the weakness in her fingers.

The most touching part of my time with her - possibly the only time she wasn't shoveling M&Ms in her mouth- was when she turned to me with a spontaneous, "Happy Mother's Day," followed by a hug.  I almost fell over.  She is really starting to get things! 

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